.Thursday, November 29, 2007 ' 2:12 AM
LAST DAY OF CAT! I MADE IT!finally. CAT ended. well. i
ADMIT i was pretty happy initially. cos. this course is so
TOUGH! tough as in, not its content but how you go about having the lessons and tests! waking up at 7plus everyday is
NOT EASY, you know. okay, at least for me. and having
DAILY TESTS pratically killed me. but.
I MADE IT!it was quite saddening till the end of the lesson though. when ANDY showed us that powerpoint slide he made. it was so
SAD. yarhs. i
almost cried.
went to LOUISA's house after CAT. was so
WORRIED on the way there. i was so
scared that both of us will have 冷场! its quite
saddening though. i might actually have 冷场 with a 4yr friend!
sad. honestly. like what i told YONGXIN, the only person im not afraid of going out alone with is... YVONNE! heee. cos.
WE JUST HAVE SO MUCH CRAP TO TALK ABOUT! too much actually. :)
but things turned out quite alright. went to have lunch at a nearby hawker centre after that. and haha. guess who i met!
NO! not ruisheng! haha. but i met his ex-classmate, ZHI HUI! omg. some past
memories did came back when i saw him. it has been ages since i last saw him! omg.
reached hc and order food. and i actually ordered
FISHBALL NOODLES! cos. haha. i was scared i might accidentally eat something wrong and upset my tummy. which will in turn result in an UPSETTING OVERSEAS TRIP. okay. call me
PARANOID. but. i really hasnt have FISHBALL NOODLES in years! its. too
un-interesting. haha. can i use that to describe food? hmmm.
took a train down to CITY HALL to get to PENINSULA PLAZA to get my skinny jeans. and. to my surprise. i found pp quite
INTERESTING! the things they sell there. urms. quite cheap and good. but too bad, they did not have the skinny jeans i wanted. so hais. gotta go to BUGIS then. too bad.
LOUISA AND I WALKED TO BUGIS FROM PENINSULA PLAZA!called tianshui to ask how to walk as neither me nor louisa had any idea of getting to bugis from pp. urms. but. the help we got from tianshui...
no comment. well. we reached BUGIS, eventually! it sure felt like an adventure and both of us did have a
great sense of satisfaction after that! so happy!
shopped around bugis street and junction and went back to bugis street after a while in junction. it was a
FRUITFUL trip i must say, as i finally got my grey skinney jeans!
I CAN WEAR IT TO THE AIRPORT!met up with YONGXIN after a while and we continued shopping. till our legs ache. went to mAc to take a break before starting the second part of shopping. haha.
MOE CAN CONSIDER USING SHOPPING INSTEAD OF NAPFA TO GAUGE A STUDENT'S FITTNESS LEVEL! i think the passing rate will be so much better!can someone please write a letter to moe for me? please? :)
.Monday, November 26, 2007 ' 1:11 AM
slacked the whole day today. well. SUNDAYS are meant to be
REST DAYS. am i wrong?
watched tv d whole day and okay. i
DID do some packing, for my trip. okay. it sure does sound alittle unconvincing. but hey, looking back. i DID watch tv the whole day. OH MY GOD!
nothing interesting happened today. and since nothing interesting happened. i shall upload some interesting pics. let me make things clear.
THESE PICS ARE PURELY FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND NOTHING ELSE. i personally feel that this pics are interesting, but if you dont.
there is nothing i can do, really. so. enjoy... weet!

global warming

latest grill accessories.
these are a must have!
tattoo of the year

good reason to wear pjamas to bed!

boy genius

the ass family

how to handle a problem neighbour

how was your cereal this morning?

this will make you smile
.Saturday, November 24, 2007 ' 5:12 PM
LOTS of things happened today. an extremely packed day. but. yupps.
I LOVE IT! if you still dontknow this part of me, let me tell you.
woke up early today cos dady already told me ystd that we are going to go out pretty early. made our way down to the temple at BUGIS, i thinked its called KUAN IM TONG. yupps.
there were so many people! i DO go to that temple pretty often. to pray for somethings. but. i dont really get to see so many people there on normal days. well. ystd was the 15th you see. went to the building near the temple to have our lunch and yups. i ordered LAKSA. time passes so fast yarhs? ive been going to the place since i was a child, really. and now. looking back, ive actually been frequent-ing that place for like almost 10years plus? ohmygod.
after that, we made our way down to MARINA SQUARE to get new luggages for this upcoming HONGKONG trip. as in the family, whenever we go overseas, we will borrow luggages from each other. HOWEVER, this time,
THE WHOLE FAMILY IS GOING OVERSEAS! so yarhs, there is sadly, a lack of luggages to be used. that is why, we need to get new ones this time!
I SAW WENG XIN XIA!saw her while i was in marina square's JOHN LITTLE. was really very shocked when i saw her there. cos, i really have no idea that xinxia's working at the marina square's branch. anyway. just hope that
she will work hard and that she will make more friends there. cos i understand how hard it is for someone to travel a long way to go to work and that there is hardly anyone she knows there! the feeling...
sucks. so. i just hope that xinxia will try to do so and make more friends there. so she will be
HAPPIER working there.
shopped around marina square but sadly, we didnt managed to get the luggage that dady wanted. so we were left with no choice but to go down to SUNTEC to check if the place actually have the luggage dady wanted.
by the way
I SAW SOME SHOES FROM TINKERBELL AND A BLOUSE ALL AT MARINA SQUARE! oh my god! i swear im going to get them sometime, next month? haha.
met my aunt's friends aunty ros and julie at carrefour. went there. checked and left that place with nothing but food. haha. made our way to bukit batok to visit my grandpa as... something happened. i really dont think i should type it out here. its just... old people problem.
after that. went to SHIRLEY MAH's to trim my hair.
I CUT MY FRINGE!!! want to see it? well.
no good cam phone=no photos=if you want to see=BUY A NEW HANDPHONE FOR ME!
well well. wendi. continue
dreaming. anyway. im
REALLY going to change my handphone already. so if you want to be a good friend,
INTRODUCE SOME GOOD CAMERA PHONE TO ME!went to bukitpangjang plaza for dinner and yes. at the end of the day, we
got the luggage we wanted. hasnt been to bbp for YEARS and i do admit,
i did feel a little emo going back to that place. afterall, that place did hold some memories for me.that's all. pretty boring yarhs? hoping to start revising for CAT tonight!
IM GOING TO DO MY BEST FOR THE MOCK EXAM, even if i dont get to sit for the actual exam at expo on the 7th. sigh...
.Friday, November 23, 2007 ' 3:09 PM
just a random post to talk about how i spent last friday.had CAT from 9m-1pm, 2pm-6pm. well. that was the
STATED time. which. yarhs. made everyone feel very
sian the moment we entered lR1 cos,
ITS GOING TO BE SUCH A FREAKING LONG DAY!nothing interesting happened during the lessons though. everything went on as usual, like any other CAT lessons. but as we finished one of the
units faster than expected, thus, we were allowed to have an earlier
lunch break! haha.
SO HAPPY!afterwhich, we went back and continued our lessons. lesson was
okay but whenever i think of the CAT examination, i will go...
went home and was about to leave for LOUISA's house for our weekly meeting when i suddenly received a msg from LOUISA saying that the meeting's cancelled. so i was left with no choice but to stay at home. msg-ed DAPHNE they all asking them if they are interested in watching "ENCHANTED". but. the response i got was...
actually. its okay larhs. ive already more or less expected the outcome. so. i wasnt really affected.
really. haha.
chatted with TIANSHUI on the phone at night because of some
weird stuffs. honestly speaking, i really dontknow why on the earth will we hit it off so well. luck maybe? like what i said, i really
basically. that was all. =)
.Thursday, November 22, 2007 ' 4:21 PM
somehow. the feeling isnt there anymore.have you ever come across somethings that used to matter so much in the past, but not anymore now? have you?
went to
jurong entertainment centre yesterday. was supposed to meet JOANNE they all 230 at je library. but. bcos CAT ended early. i decided to have my lunch at jEc on my own first before meeting them. while walking towards jEc from je int station thinking of what to have for lunch, i suddenly though of
it. the thought of not lunching there for ages made me crave for
it much
more. and so. i slowly made my way there. i slowly walked towards...
it really had been
ages since i last lunched there. the moment i stepped into the place, i admit,
memories started flowing back.
i ordered
salmon rice and sat down to eat. perhaps, i was alone, which made me think of the
past even more. i slowly enjoyed my
salmon rice and to my dismay, the taste had changed.
the food no longer taste good.
the place hasnt changed a bit, the people were still the same, the menu remained the same, the food was still the same, but, somehow, the feeling isnt there anymore. something felt different, but i cant figure out what was it. was it because this time, im lunching there, alone, without
i felt
disturbed. the feeling i had then was, beyond description. it felt kinda
weird. in a relationship, you start off well, but when you lost it, you have no choice but to move on. and so you did, you moved on, started meeting new people, experiencing new things. and years later, you suddenly go back to where you started, what kind of
feeling will you have?
its pretty
saddening. sometimes, i really hope time will reach a standstill. if given a choice, i really hope time will...
met DAPHNE and her friend. was pretty shocked when i heard someone call out my name. call me crazy, but it sure felt like, when you are getting sad over how your life has changed over the past few years, GOD suddenly let you bump into a
special friend. its like telling you, "dont get too sad, you still have your friends". heee.
chatted alittle with DAPHNE and made my way to je library. saw ANDREA and her boyfriend entering je library. haha. nothing really happened after that. went to je library, waited for JOANNE, LOUISA and YONGXIN. when they reached, we made our way to jEc's McD as we felt uncomfortable studying in the library.
we studied till about 730 before making our way home. =)
.Monday, November 19, 2007 ' 7:00 PM
saw this interesting email sent by YONGXIN.
ITS JUST A TEST, so no need to get too serious about it ya?
urms. its in chinese and quite
chim somemore. to those who dont understand chinese, urms. too bad lo! =)
. ' 12:58 AM
what have i done wrong?perhaps, i had.
perhaps, i should have spent more time with
perhaps, i should have entered poly.
perhaps, i should have given them more of my time.
perhaps, i shouldnt think that
nothing will go wrong.
perhaps, you all think everything's fine.
but, the truth is,
its not.
if i were to blog about today half an hr ago, maybe, this entry will be a happy one, a
lighthearted one.
i shouldnt have dragged it. should have blogged the moment i come online, maybe, after blogging, i would have just go to bed and then,
that wouldnt have happened.
i was
happy initially! since last thur, ive been thinking that my next CAT lesson will be on mon(19nov). so, as a
PROFESSIONAL procrastinator, i kept on dragging my CAT's homework and test till like 2hrs ago? and guess what, when i finished sorting out my papers, ready to start doing my homework and test, i realised a stupid fact!
MY NEXT CAT LESSON IS ON WEDNESDAY!!! i was telling TIANSHUI and JUNRONG how blur i was larhs! if i didnt check my timetable just now, i think, i will just go ahead, do my CAT homework, study for test and tmr, wake up a 7plus, get changed and go to school.
why am i always like that?now. for the
sad incident. maybe. its isnt appropriate for me to talk about it here. cos. like what i told JUNRONG, i havent thought about the solution to the problem. even YVONNE, i dare not talk to her about this. its too...
TOUGH for me to tell her.
life is like that. you move on in life. get to know more and more friends. and you realise, PROBLEMS will start to surface between you and your friends.
in prisch, you will have your prisch
clique, at that time, you will say things like,
"we'l be FRIENDS FOREVER okay? from now, till secsch, then jC till WE ALL GROW UP!" but, after prisch, everyone goes seperate ways and... the FRIENDS FOREVER is
in secsch, you will have your secsch
clique and again, you will say things like,
"we'l be FRIENDS FOREVER okay? from now, till jC, den we all get married till WE ALL GROW OLD! "im scared. that history will repeat itself and so,
NO MATTER HOW HARD IT IS FOR ME, i try to balance the time i spend with my
2 IMPORTANT GROUPS of friends. "my JC group", "my POLY group", "my JC group", "my POLY group", i
always talk about them to my classmate. so much so that my classmates knows almost everything about these
2 IMPORTANT GROUPS of mine! there are also times, many actually, that i actually will turn down my classmates when they ask me out,
sad when my classmates comment on the number of times i turn them down, i felt that
its okay. cos.
but. no matter how hard i tried,
i still failed.
i still failed to balance the time i spend with them well. perhaps.
im the one at fault.
i shouldnt keep turning you all down. ive turned down your offers so many times till you all felt it was hopeless asking me if i can join you all, as you all felt that i will definitely not be able to make it. i
understand. i didnt pester you all to go out with me these days, when im having my holidays as i know you all have school. but...
maybe to you all, its a small matter. but. to me, it tells how important i am to the group.
hais. i dont blame you all, really.
i blame it on mOe's system, on the constant rejects i gave when you all asked if i can join you all.
.Sunday, November 18, 2007 ' 3:14 PM
woke up at around 11plus and started surfing d net.
nothing interesting happened la. watched "FU MAN REN JIAN-WOK OF LIFE" and got ready to go out for dinner.
went to
QUEENSWAY SHOPPING CENTRE. the food there is great! well. it just rained this afternoon, so the weather's
PERFECT for having
CLAYPOT RICE! heee. so. we went there. we ordered
CLAYPOT RICE, FISH AND CHIPS and PINEAPPLE JUICE! omg! omg! omg! the food there had
NEVER EVER failed me before! its
FOREVER so delicious! if you ever go to that hawker centre, try the CLAYPOT RICE and FISH AND CHIPS. the name of the CLAYPOT RICE stall is
"源源something" and the FISH AND CHIPS stall is
TRY IT! after such a delicious dinner, my family and i made our way home HAPPILY.
you know. after eating something
VERY DELICIOUS, you will have this kinda very "幸福" and "滿足" feeling.
ITS NOT EXAGGERATING AT ALL! you will really have that kinda feeling.
watched channel5's movie "the mothman phophecies" and let me tell you,
THE SHOW SUCKS! okay-okay plot, no climate and
BAD ENDING. omg. wasted my 2hrs la! dady actually said,"luckily didnt spend money to go to the cinema to watch, waste of money"!
. ' 2:59 PM
NO CAT LESSON TODAY!!!NO CAT LESSON TODAY!!!NO CAT LESSON TODAY!!!oh my god! at last. this day has arrived
FINALLY! when you know how taxing CAT is, you will share how i feel now. try asking people like YIXIAN, AARON and CHERYL.
slept till 1pm today. woke up, and went back to sleep at 2pm. HEEE.
THAT should be the way to spend SCHOOL HOLIDAY! not going for courses and stuffs.
hais. stayed at home the whole day and watch tv.
the weekly "JC GROUP" meeting was cancelled due to "low participation" as JOANNE went for her camp and the others, well, had their own committments. so, the meet up was cancelled. im okay with it larhs, at most, i just watch more tv and rest more. ive got nothing to lose anyway. HEEE.
chatted with people like JUNRONG, YVONNE, TIANSHUI and JUNCHAO at night. well. the KBOX thing, i
MIGHT not be able to make it la. SEE HOW, okay? =))
.Friday, November 16, 2007 ' 2:30 PM
HEHH. i actually reached home at
12plus last night! omg. i was like so darn worried what would happen when i reach home.
perhaps, my dad will just be waiting for me in the living room waiting to scold me. BUT.
thankgod, none of those happened. i reached home, bathed and
hais. imagine only sleeping for 2plus hours the night before and yet, when you reach home
eventually, you still have to study for a test? well.
i didnt expect the whole KBOX thing to end so late la...slept at around 2plus am.
I WAS TOO EXHASTED TO DO MY CAT HOMEWORK! so. i just studied for the test thats all.
woke up at around 7plus today and went for CAT. well. i screwed up my test...
sad. i should have just go straight to bed last night. i cant remember all the points for the FIRST QUESTION! and slowly, the first question affected my mood for the next few questions.
SIGH. if i can pass this test, i will be very HAPPY already. BUT. again.
SO WHAT IF I DO MY CAT HOMEWORK AND STUDY FOR THE TESTS? i cant attend the actual examination. sobs.
came home straight after CAT to catch up on my sleep. im seriously
LACK OF SLEEP! so i spent the rest of the time sleeping... from 1pm to about 6plus. afterwhich, nothing special happened. i woke up and had my dinner and watched tv.
"Angmoh hits 2 singaporean girls! part 1!"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0ug2cBISwg&eurl=http://forums.hardwarezone.com/showthread.php?t=1782085"Angmoh hits 2 singaporean girls! part 2!"
.Thursday, November 15, 2007 ' 12:21 PM
IM SO SO SO EXHAUSTED NOW!it must have been AGES since i last sleep so little! especially during SCHOOL HOLIDAYS! omg! i slept like just 2HOURS PlUS yesterday? got up at around 730 this morning as i had to go to mI for CAT which starts at 9! SIGH SIGH SIGH. perhaps, im the only person i know who will have to go to school the next day early in the morning while in the MIDST OF A STAYOVER? ya. i know. im a WEIRDO. "thanks ah"...
woke up at around 730 and went to bathe and get ready for school. saw LOUISA's dad early in the morning and ya, guessed he was PRETTY SHOCKED to see me so early in the morning as i didnt tell LOUISA's family about it the day before. left LOUISA's house after breakfast and my god, ITS RAINING! i was left with no choice but to take out my umbrella and slowly made my way to the busstop.
met RAYSON on 157 and we chatted alittle. he had to go to mI for his FIRST AID course and yups, there will limited topics for us to talk about. so we just kept on talking about our holidays and diploma courses. mI is just a few busstops away from LOUISA's house. so we reached school a short while later.
had CAT from 9am-1pm and afterwhich, made my way down to JURONGEAST MRT INTERCHANGE to meet LOUISA, YONGXIN and JOANNE. we were going to town for KBOX!!!
chatted quite alot on the train. well. when you are with your close friends, YOU JUST TALK ABOUT EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING! CHERIE LIAN was late, but well, im pretty okay with it. reached CINELEISURE and i went to buy KOBAYASHI (I JUST LOVE IT OKAY!) as i havent had anything since morning! afterwhich, we went to LEVEL 8 for KBOX.
waited for HUIQING and CHERIE before entering and gosh. KBOX rocks as usual la! I LOVE KBOX AS MUCH AS KOBAYASHI! so, perhaps, you have guessed my excitement while stepping into the room. we sang, ate, had fun and sang EVEN MORE! 5hrs just flew past so quickly! omg. HAPPY TIMES ARE ALWAYS SHORT-LIVED ya? and oh ya, WE BROKE ONE OF THE GLASS CUPS! we all were like at a loss when it happened! but, luckily, the broken glass wasnt included in our bill. HEEE. we were just, LUCKILY. yarhs.
took a train down to LAU PA SAT after that as we couldnt decide on where to have our dinner. the places for dinner in TOWN were much too expensive. after a KBOX session, we all were pretty broke to afford good food in TOWN. so. after much consideration, we had no choice but to go to LAU PA SAT for dinner. okay, i got to admit, I WASNT HAPPY AT THE DECISION ACTUALLY. bcos. i was too exhausted to walk around. i just wanted to go home and rest! and yet. we have to go ALL THE WAY to LAU PA SAT just for dinner?
but. I WAS WRONG! i didnt regret the decision to go to LAU PA SAT for dinner! bcos. the FOOD JUST ROCKS! its so so so DELICIOUS! and the price was so reasonable! GREAT CHOICE PEOPLE!
afterwhich, we walked around that area, sat near the MERLION and chatted. that kinda feeling is just so nice... a group of friends, sitting around and chatting about almost everything.
we left for home at around 10plus close to 11 as we all were scared we couldnt catch the last bus or last train. and we ended up taking 106 from ESPLANADE area. there were some who didnt want to initially as they thought the bus ride would be very long but, I KNOW IT WONT! ive taken it before, alot of times indeed! and guessed what, we actually play BRIDGE on the bus! omg! that was pretty crazy la, i know! alighted at DOVER STATION with CHERIE LIAN and LOUISA. 105 came pretty soon and well, as for the two of em, poor thing, the last 185 had already left and they had no choice but to cab home. hais.
in short, although i was VERY VERY VERY LACK OF SLEEP, i still enjoyed the whole celebration thingy! HEEE. well. day out with your CLIQUE, who wont enjoy it... =))
some pics taken on YONGXIN's bd. HEEE. thanks YVONNE!

.Wednesday, November 14, 2007 ' 2:17 AM

yes. she's the birthday girl! courtesy of XINXIA! =))

kaining's bd cake. =))

the birthday flowers we gave her. =))

courtesy of DAPHNE's blog. taken at PIZZA HUT. havent taken a group photo in AGES. =))
first stayover at LOUISA's house!
has CAT in the morning from 9am-1pm. afterwhich went home and get ready to go to LOUISA's house to stay over. was pretty slow in getting ready and there were some
communication problems here and there. so we only met up at around 5plus. i didnt get to join them on their SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC "learning journey".
met them at 5plus and helped them get ready the ingredients for cooking TOM YAM SOUP. recipe from LOUISA's mum! but. after getting ready the ingredients, i took a bus down to JURONGPOINT to meet YVONNE they all. i cant believe i actually studied for my CAT test on the bus ride to j.p!
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY KAINING! bear in mind, 19 doesnt mean
old okay? it means you are maturing, mentally. HEEE. so. dont be too sad la girl!
met up with them at PIZZA HUT and sat down with them to chat for a little while. shopped around j.p and left them for LOUISA's house at around 840, bcos LOUISA and YONGXIN was waiting for me to have dinner. they said they wont start without me. hais. urms, i was quite
touched though. HEEE. yarhs. i studied on the bus ride back again. hais. perhaps, im the only CAT student doing such stupid things ba!
had the delicious TOM YAM SOUP and afterwhich, while LOUISA, YONGXIN and JOANNE were at the living room discusing about magic tricks, i made use of the 1hrplus to do my CAT homework at the dining table. afterwhich, we played
BRIDGE at louisa's brother's room and then, watched 娱乐百分百. after 娱乐百分百, another rounds of
BRIDGE again and eventually, watched a movie by andy lau "WAIT TILL YOU ARE OLDER". thanks to this movie, i got to
sleepy and all i wanted was to lie on the bed and sleep.
i was
on a bed already but something told me i cant sleep. i also dontknow why. haha. like what i told LOUISA they all the next day, "
I ONLY WATCHED ABOUT 80% OF THE MOVIE!" cos for rest of the 20%, i was in the sub-conscious condition, sleepy yet unable to sleep.
at last, the 4of us turned in. light off, we chatted about some things, and slowly, lesser people were talking and eventually, we all entered our
DREAMLAND, slowly...
.Tuesday, November 13, 2007 ' 1:56 AM
8hrs of CAT!
I MADE IT! woohoo! its not easy at all ok! try going through 8hrs of lecture in the lecture room and trying your very best to absorb all the business stuffs being taught by your lecturer!
ITS NOT EASY AT ALL! although i do have some questions to ask ANDY, but after the 8hrs torture, all i asked for was to get out of the damn lecture hall as soon as possible! questions? another time perhaps...
and guess what! i got
14/20 FOR MY FIRST CAT TEST! well. this kinda OKAY result managed to motivate me to put in more effort in CAT. it has been ages since i got such passion and interest in a subject. jiayou ba!
waited for my dad in school after CAT. it ended at 6plus. as i was really
EXHAUSTED, i had no choice but to call my dad to fetch me home. he works in WOODLANDS, so it was "ON THE WAY" as what he told me when i called him. so i waited, waited and waited until mr singh announced that the school was closing in 10mins time! i had no choice but to wait for dady at my school's busstop. well. if i had taken a bus home, i might had reached home long ago! but. my dad was rushing to come fetch me from school, i understand.
when he eventually reached, i broke the bad news to him.
I WAS UNABLE TO TAKE MY CAT EXAMINATION!the actual CAT examination for my paper, PAPER5 will take place on 7Dec at THE SINGAPORE EXPO! and guess what. i will be in HONGKONG from the 30Nov till 8Dec! which means, i cant take my exam!
my dad advised me to forsake the exam as the trip to HONGKONG is more important. my dad explained to me its not very often the whole family gets to go overseas very often. normally, only me, my 2 aunts and my granny will go overseas, while my parents and brother stay in singapore. this time's DIFFERENT! everyone, EVERYONE is going to HONGKONG! given my granny's age, perhaps,
there wont be a next time. i got my dad's meaning and understood his intentions.
when i reached home, neither my dad nor me breathed a word to my granny about this. i told my dad about the stayover at LOUISA's place tmr and everything went on per normal for the rest of the day.
.Monday, November 12, 2007 ' 1:26 AM
the whole day was no different from yesterday's.
i slacked the whole day. watch tv the whole day, had LAKSA from the market infront of my secsch for lunch as my dad, aunt and granny went marketing this morning.
watched tv after lunch and kept on dragging my CAT's homework and test. we actually have
DAILY TEST for CAT! shitty hell la! daily means, i have to study like everyday? what kind of life is that? although CAT is easier to understand than MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS, but that doesnt mean we can manage to have test everyday? hais. sad for my own life.
after watching channel 8's 特写, eventually, i went to take my CAT file from my room and put it on my dining table,
RELUCTANTLY. if given a choice, i really dont want to burn the midnight oil and do my CAT work! hais.
studied till about 3,4plus in the morning and gosh! i gotta wake up at about 7plus tmr! and OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, tmr's lesson is from 9am-1pm, 2pm-6pm! OH MY GOD! so energy draining la! i really dontknow how im gonna survive!
jiayou ba, wendi...
.Sunday, November 11, 2007 ' 12:50 AM
nothing great happened today.
woke up at around 1plus today as i didnt want to go out with the family. too much things happened this week already.
yes. i had woke up early, go marketing with my granny and bought food back for the whole family on saturdays before. but what i got in return are some harsh words from my family. "stupid", "brainless" are words they tell me almost everyday. even when i do my best to please them, these heart-wrenching and heartaching words are what i get in return. sometimes, i really wonder, have i done wrong? have i done wrong in everything? yes. im a stupid, silly and dumb person but have my family done anything they can in helping me feel goodabout life? NO! the things they do is to keep reminding me what a stupid person i am, what a failure in LIFE i had been.
HAPPY PERSON ive always been infront of my friends arent easy.
i slacked at home the whole day today as even if i didnt slack, my family wont appreciate it. so. i jus SLACKED. watched "JIN ZHENG TOU-THE GOLDEN PILLOW" and "FU MAN REN JIAN-THE WOK OF LIFE" as there was nothing for me to do!
didnt join my family for dinner outside as i didnt want to. they wont feel indifferent about my absence anyway! afterall, im so insignificant to the family. so i stayed at home by myself and just lied on the sofa, listening to 93.3fm for about 2hrs plus, until my aunt came over and see me lying on the sofa alone.
perhaps, i shouldnt love my family that much afterall. they dont need me anyway.i got to know this from weiqing. "thanks ah!" for letting me feel so sad for the uncle. perhaps, i should tear for this uncle rather than tearing for my family.
"3 shyts bullying our fellow singaporeans"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTupIqJsegE"Interview with Singapore Trishaw Uncle (Part 1)"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QPc5I3YUEo&feature=related"Interview with Singapore Trishaw Uncle (Part 2)"
.Friday, November 9, 2007 ' 10:36 PM
AT LAST! the day i
DREAD most is FINALLY here. first CAT lesson. okay. if you dont know what CAT stands for.
dragged myself out of bed at around 6plus. CAT starts at 9am. if you are wondering why do i need to get up so early? well. i take AGES AGES and AGES to get ready. ask my close friends and you will know why. urms. so after much preparation, i left the house at 820. quite on time ya? reached school at around 850 and went to my locker to get my CAT stuffs. left my file, texbook and workbook in it. called YIXIAN at around 9 as she was still
NOWHERE TO BE SEEN! ya. that girl was
almost late for the first CAT lesson! goodness!
the lesson was great! to me at least... the name of my lecturer is ANDY TAN. like what he described himself in his introdution "MUSIC VIDEO", he really is a lecturer whom doesnt look like one from head to toe! he's so young la! and. he DOES look like BENJAMIN from my class at certain angle. well. that was what YIXIAN and AARON they all said. a break will be given after every hour for the lesson. so good right? and during break ANDY will show us some pics he took while travelling. these includes photos from many different countries like HONGKONG, SHANGHAI and so on. i cant remember the rest now. HEEE.
went to meet LOUISA they all after CAT, its our
WEEKLY MEETUP! went straight to YONGXIN's as i thought we will be heading to town in the early afternoon. my CAT ended at 1plus mahhs. who knows. we actually left for town at around 4plus? so i was practically slacking the whole time at YONGXIN's house! and oh ya. i kept on getting bullied by AARON (yongxin's 1yrplus cousin)! perhaps. i just dont get on well with people who's name is AARON!
SHITTY HELL. okay. maybe as a
MATURED ALDULT, i shouldnt hold grudges at a small child. but.
he spit at me lehhs! he spit food at me! and. he did some nasty things at me. poor me. i still get bullied by a 1yrplus kid at 17!
SAD. but. like what YONGXIN said, although AARON's very naughty, when you look at him, he DOES have what it takes to make you dote on him and forget about his mischiefs. kids will forever be cute right? no matter how they bully you, you wont have the
HEART to hate them, instead, you will
CARE FOT THEM, DOTE ON THEM AND LOVE THEM MORE.took a train down to BUGIS with YONGXIN. was DAMN worried if there will be any lengchang. but. luckily, there werent. HEEE. im still very NERVOUS and WORRIED wheneven im alone with one friend. perhaps. only i wont be so scared with YVONNE bahhs. haha. cos for the res of the time, i will be BULLYING her. HAHA. no larhs. we are such good friends that we can practically talk about anything
reached BUGIS and met up with louisa. oh ya. SHOW LUO ZHI XIANG was there to have his autograph session. ya. if you have guessed it. that was ONE OF THE REASONS why we actually chose BUGIS for this meeting. cos. we wanted to go and have glimpse of how he looked like in person.
SHOW LUO ZHI XIANG LOOKS MORE HANDSOME IN PERSON!we shopped around BUGIS VILLAGE, as LOUISA and me were in search of our SKINNY JEANS. i really wanted to do some serious shopping. but. perhaps. i havent been out of house for too long a time, i lost the FEEL for shopping. the crowd, the lights and the noise made my head spin and not in the mood for serious shopping. so sad right? i really hope to be able to go down to BUGIS again to buy some stuffs. saw some really great things which i
SWORE i will buy them home the next time i step into BUGIS VILLAGE!
went back to BUGIS JUNCTION to "wait" for the arrival of SHOW LUO ZHI XIANG at around 730. as that was the stated time of his autograph session. when we get back to BUGIS JUNCTION, it was already quite packed with people. we actually stood at that area for like 2hrs? including just mere watching him on stage.
JOANNE reached BUGIS JUNCTION after her training at around 8plus and we headed off to dinner at YOSHINOYA's. although the food there is pretty ex, but the food is great la! we should spend good money on good food ONCE IN A WHILE. not everyday ya?
headed off home after that as it was quite late already. will upload the videos we took of SHOW LUO ZHI XIANG soon! =)
.Thursday, November 8, 2007 ' 11:48 PM
urms. basically. today was pretty slack. bcos its a PUBLIC HOLIDAY! actually. yesterday yuancheng asked me to join him, louis and yixian today. but. well. due to
certain reasons, perhaps only yvonne knows, i cant join them.
SORRY ya. i know it wont help but. i just hope you all dont get used to my absence.
whole day was spent at home. did some
ONCE IN A BLUE MOON housework. vacumed d floor and ALMOST wanted to mop but mummy stopped me. she said its not a good idea to mop the floor at that time. so i just slacked slacked and slacked.
gotta go iron my schU for tmr's CAT course. it will be held in mI so
sigh i gotta be in my schU before i can enter. that was the instructions given.
lahhs! wipe my schbag too! confirm collect LOTS of dust since the last time i used it.
leaving! byebye! =)
drop by if you can. one of 周杰伦's new songs 我不配
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPYnLPBKyB0 enjoy! =)
.Wednesday, November 7, 2007 ' 11:46 PM
FIRST NEW POST! im so so so excited!
THIS IS NOT MY FIRST BLOG! guess i just had to re-emphasize this fact. this is not my first blog,
luckily, but i DO hope this will be my last! im so FREAKING tired of signing up for a blog, thinking of a "EASY-TO-REMEMBER" name, choosing the blogskin, starting to blog and then, a few months later, pronounce my blog DEAD. IN SHORT, i just hope this blog will be a SUCCESSFUL one. HEEE. =)
shall start on my day.
was supposed to meet LOUISA they all (louisa, joanne and yongxin). reached JE MRT stn at 12.50pm. think this was one of the FEW meetings in which i was early? waited for them but none turned up on time. sigh. so i just sat near the CONTROL STATION and waited. yes yes. lots of weird looks were thrown at me.
ITS OKAY! and oh ya! i caught HUIQING again! with a group of guys! urms. perhaps, she still didnt know i saw her. managed to meet up and made our way down to QUEENSWAY SHOPPING CENRE. =)
reached. shopped around and SUDDENLY, something interesting happened! something, in which i, FOR ONCE was quite proud of myself and felt FOR ONCE,
well. we went to this shop. "CLASSI? PRIMIT?VE" located on the SECOND STOREY. i will draw up a map and show you where this DAMN ASS shop is, JUST WAIT FOR ME TO UPLOAD! well. actually. last week ive already been there to try out a grey skinny jeans. the price (28/-) and quality was pretty reasonable. HOWEVER, as i didnt want to make a wrong decision, i didnt buy it on the spot.
LUCKILY. urms. so i went home and pondered. so, after much consideration, i decided to go back to that
DAMN ASS shop to buy d skinny jeans. for your information, that BITCH was still an
ANGEL last week. so i made my way to that shop with louisa they all. i saw that the very grey skinny jeans i want and took it out of the rack. told the BITCH i wanted to try and she went to take a new piece. before trying, just to play safe, i wanted to confirmthe price and guess what, she told me it was 29.90/-. i was
stunned, not bcos at the price but bcos of the sudden increase!
i asked the BITCH, "aunty, why now 29.90/-?"
BITCH replied: "oh, bcos the rise in GST!"
louisa they all asked BITCH,"huh, but GST rise was like so long ago!"
i told BITCH,"ya, aunty, i just came last week!"
BITCH replied:"ya, the shipment came in last week so GST for this new shipment will rise!"
i was shocked! den, the BITCH kept the new piece of grey skinny jeans she just took out. after much discussion, yongxin they all told me to ask the BITCH if i can try the skinny jeans first. guess what she shouted at me.
asshole! we just stormed out of that
graveyard angrily. this is no way to treat us, CONSUMERS like that! so after 1hr plus, we made our way back to that
graveyard. we went to take the clothes off the hangers and left them lying everywhere. and. we left that
graveyard with me saying,"
HEY! THIS SHOP THE CLOTHES VERY EXPENSIVE! TOO EXPENSIVE FOR US TO AFFORD! LETS GO!" when we left, that BITCH actually shouted to the next shop owner, "those 3 girls came and RANSACK my shop!".
well. the best way to get back at a BITCH is to...
after queensway, i parted ways with louisa they all and went to IMM to meet my aunty and brother for FISH AND CO. for dinner. perhaps, after a day of EXCITMENT, i deserve a GREAT dinner ya?
lastly, FISH AND CO. rocks! =)
no camera yet. please make do with web pics. =)

this is a MUST TRY! i ordered a set for the 3 of us. =)

seafood platter for two. recommendation for the day by a waitress. =)